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News Commentary

Some of our past commentary articles.

Dear Honorable Speaker of the House, John Boehner:

I watch the news everyday and I hear about how you will not raise taxes on the top 2% (the rich), because it will slow job growth and hurt small business. The 2% have had these tax breaks for almost a decade and job growth is still not happening at a fast rate. Every year close to Christmas, since Obama has become president the feud never stops between you. If the wealthiest Americans are not creating jobs with the tax breaks that they already have, then they are not going to create jobs if their tax breaks continue. Every Christmas is spoiled with bad news of spending cuts for the poor and tax breaks for the rich.

The tax hikes for the top 2% of the population is so small. They can afford and most millionaires agree with President Obama.

Remember when the Supreme Court ruled to keep Obama's health care law legal? That decision was based on what the voters wanted. Chief Justice Roberts, said the health care law should remain, because it was the decision of the voters to elect Obama based on his views. When voters elect a leader, they expect promises by the candidates to be enacted. The decision to raise taxes on the 2% is what the voters wanted by re-electing Obama. Obama won the election based on his promise to keep tax breaks active for the 98% of the population and raise tax rates for the wealthiest 2% of Americans.

With all due respects, John, you are not granting Americans their wish by not agreeing to raise taxes on the wealthiest 2%. Obama has been more than reasonable over the past 4 years to keep those tax cuts for everyone. But it is not working. It is is time to get this deal done, stop delaying the Fiscal Cliff, and give the people what they voted for in November. Don't be The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.

Robin Casey
This letter was submitted at on December 14th, 2012.

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