Food-grade oils are a kitchen staple. You can’t dress, sauté, bake, or fry without them. With so many oil options on the market, it’s no wonder there are countless myths about what oils you should or shouldn’t use. Unfortunately, such myths are misleading to people striving to make healthier choices. Here are just a few cooking oil myths you should stop believing.
Myth #1: All Oils With “Light” Labels Are Healthy
A common misconception is that if an oil is labeled “light,” it’s healthier. Not so fast. The term “light” often refers to flavor or color rather than nutritional content or healthiness. For example, light olive oil has a milder taste than extra virgin olive oil, but the calorie content is almost identical. Read the label carefully to understand what you’re getting. Your “light” oil may be heavier than you think.
Myth #2: You Can Reuse Oil Indefinitely
Some recipes may call for previously used oil. In some cases, this can add flavor, but it should never be done in excess. Reusing oil after frying food might seem like an economical decision, but it can severely impact your health. With every use, oil undergoes oxidative changes, breaking down and releasing harmful substances. Oil can also go bad, creating poor taste and health risks. Experts recommend reusing oil no more than two to eight times in friers, depending on the oil’s quality. This minimizes health risks, especially where meat is involved.
Myth #3: Coconut Oil Is Always the Best Option
Coconut oil has gained popularity for its perceived health benefits, but that doesn’t mean it’s the best oil for every use. While it’s fantastic for baking and adds unique flavor, its high saturated fat content suggests using it in moderation. Rotate between oils like olive, avocado, or canola depending on your cooking needs.
Myth #4: All Oils Have the Same Smoke Point
Smoke point is the temperature at which an oil starts to break down. This can lead to loss of flavor, bad smells, and unhealthy substances forming in the burnt oil. Avocado oil has a high smoke point, while extra virgin olive oil does not. Choosing the right oil for a specific cooking method is essential to avoid degrading its quality or flavor or introducing toxic materials.
Myth #5: You Can Use the Same Oil for Everything
Sticking to one type of oil is convenient, but it can deprive your dishes of various flavors and health benefits or add weird and unpleasant tastes. For instance, sesame oil is essential to bringing out the flavors of Asian-inspired dishes, while grapeseed oil is better for dressings. Variety enhances your dishes and ensures you get a broader range of nutrients.
Those are just a few cooking oil myths you should stop believing. Before you order food-grade cooking oils, learn the differences between them. Just remember, by using the right oils in your cooking, you can take your health and your meals to the next level!
Bio: Casey is a passionate copyeditor highly motivated to provide compelling SEO content in the digital marketing space. Her expertise includes a vast range of industries from highly technical, consumer, and lifestyle-based, with an emphasis on attention to detail and readability.