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Global World Topics

Why Your Artificial Grass Keeps Growing Mold

Have you ever looked out at your lush, artificial lawn and noticed unsightly patches of mold creeping in? Many homeowners revel in the beauty and convenience of artificial grass, only to find themselves frustrated when it starts to resemble a science experiment gone wrong. In this guide, we’ll explore the common reasons why your artificial grass might be growing mold and share some practical tips to keep your lawn looking fresh, vibrant, and mold-free.

Inappropriate Backing Material

One of the first culprits behind mold growth on artificial grass is the backing material. If the lawn is made from low-quality materials with inadequate backing, it might not allow for proper drainage. As a result, water can get trapped.

This moisture creates the perfect environment for mold to thrive. When choosing your artificial grass, make sure to opt for a product with high-quality drainage features. High-quality backing materials, like tough latex, will promote water flow and help keep your lawn dry, reducing the chances of mold settling in.

Improper Installation

Another reason your artificial grass might be developing mold is due to improper installation. If the turf isn't laid down correctly, gaps or wrinkles can create areas where water collects, fostering an ideal environment for mold growth.

It's important to ensure that your turf is on a solid, even surface and that seams are fused tightly to prevent any pooling. If you're not confident in your installation skills, don’t hesitate to call in a professional.

Organic Debris Accumulation

Organic debris, such as leaves, twigs, or pet waste, makes the perfect breeding ground for mold and mildew to start festering. This is because when these materials remain on the surface of your turf, they can trap moisture underneath.

Regularly cleaning up should be part of a consistent artificial turf maintenance routine. A simple routine of sweeping or using a leaf blower can go a long way in keeping your artificial grass clear and dry. Plus, it helps maintain the overall look of your lawn.

Too Much Moisture and Not Enough Sunlight

If your artificial grass is sitting in a consistently damp area, it might be encouraging mold to make itself at home. Turf that doesn't get enough sunlight can retain moisture for longer periods, creating that ideal setting for mold growth.

To tackle this issue, try to ensure that your lawn receives plenty of sunshine throughout the day. Trim back any overhanging branches or dense shrubbery that might be blocking the light. A little bit of sunlight can really help keep your turf dry and fresh, making it a much less appealing spot for mold to grow.

Poor Drainage Systems

A poor drainage system is the most common culprit of recurring mold growth in artificial grass. If your yard has poor drainage, it’s another way for water to easily accumulate. If you notice standing water after rain or even after watering, it may be time to consider installing a proper drainage system.

This could involve adding drainage channels, French drains, or simply ensuring that your existing systems are working correctly. With good drainage, your turf will dry out more quickly, making it less inviting for mold to settle in. With just a bit of regular upkeep, you’ll help your turf stay fresh and inviting.

Bio: Casey is a passionate copyeditor highly motivated to provide compelling SEO content in the digital marketing space. Her expertise includes a vast range of industries from highly technical, consumer, and lifestyle-based, with an emphasis on attention to detail and readability.

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YouTube World News Playlists

United Nations Video: Iran Non-proliferation- Security Council Media Stakeout | United Nations

Iran Non-proliferation- Security Council Media Stakeout | United Nations
Play Video: Iran Non-proliferation- Security Council Media Stakeout | United Nations

Comments to the media by James Kariuki, Deputy Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom to the United Nations, before the closed consultations of the Security Council on Non-proliferation.

Published: 12th Mar 2025 07:25:04   By: United Nations

United Nations Video: Gaza, Lebanon/Israel & other topics - Daily Press Briefing | United Nations

Gaza, Lebanon/Israel & other topics - Daily Press Briefing | United Nations
Play Video: Gaza, Lebanon/Israel & other topics - Daily Press Briefing | United Nations

Noon Briefing by Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesperson for the Secretary-General. Highlights: - UN80 - Occupied Palestinian Territory - Lebanon/Israel - Syria - Ukraine - Democratic Republic of the Congo - Development Cooperation Forum - Violence Against Children - Financial Contribution UN80 This morning, in a press encounter, the Secretary-General said that during this 80th anniversary year of the United Nations, it is essential that an organizational system as complex and crucial as ours subjects itself to rigorous and regular scrutiny to assess its fitness for purpose in carrying out its goals efficiently. This is why he has informed Member States that he is officially launching what we call the UN80 Initiative. The Secretary-General has appointed a dedicated internal Task Force led by the Under-Secretary-General for Policy, Guy Ryder, and composed of principals representing the entire UN system. The objective will be to present to Member States proposals in three areas: first, rapidly identifying efficiencies and improvements in the way we work; second, thoroughly reviewing the implementation of all mandates given to us by Member States, which have significantly increased in recent years; and third, a strategic review of deeper, more structural changes and programme realignment within the UN System. OCCUPIED PALESTINIAN TERRITORY The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) warns that after 11 days of no humanitarian assistance entering Gaza, the crucial progress made during the first six weeks of the ceasefire continues to unravel. Across the Gaza Strip, it is becoming more difficult for people to have decent and sufficient food, water, medical services and other vital items. Efforts to restore the health system in Gaza continue, but progress is slow. In North Gaza governorate, only 16 per cent of health service points are functioning either fully or partially. That includes three out of five hospitals, six out of 50 medical points, and four of over two dozen primary healthcare centres. Major challenges also persist in solid waste management. Overflowing trash is creating unsanitary living conditions and obviously, heightening public health risks. Full Highlights:

Published: 12th Mar 2025 06:02:02   By: United Nations

United Nations Video: UN80 Initiative - UN Chief's Media Stakeout | United Nations

UN80 Initiative - UN Chief
Play Video: UN80 Initiative - UN Chief's Media Stakeout | United Nations

Informal comments to the media by António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, on the launch of his UN80 Initiative. ----------------------------- Secretary-General António Guterres announced the launch of the UN80 Initiative to rapidly identify efficiencies and improvements, review the implementation of all mandates given to the Organization by Member States, and conduct a strategic review of “deeper, more structural changes and programme realignment in the UN System.” Speaking to reporters today (12 Mar) in New York, the Secretary-General said, “the United Nations has never been more needed,” but noted that “resources are shrinking across the board – and they have been for a long time.” He said it was “essential that an organizational system as complex and crucial as the United Nations – subjects itself to rigorous and regular scrutiny to assess its fitness for purpose in carrying out its goals efficiently.” The objectives, Guterres said, “will be to present to Member States proposals in three areas: First, rapidly identifying efficiencies and improvements in the way we work. Second, thoroughly reviewing the implementation of all mandates given to us by Member States, which have significantly increased in recent years. Third, a strategic review of deeper, more structural changes and programme realignment in the UN System.” He stressed that “budgets at the United Nations are not just numbers on a balance sheet – they are a matter of life and death for millions around the world,” and said, “we must ensure value for money while advancing shared values.” Taking a journalist’s question on Ukraine, the Secretary-General said, “we’ll welcome a ceasefire in Ukraine. Too many people have died. A ceasefire is indeed a positive thing, and we hope that it will materialize. And we hope that it will pave the way for peace, a just peace. And you know what are the parameters that we consider relevant for a just peace: the Charter, international law and the resolutions of the General Assembly.” On the tariffs being impose by the United States on other countries, he said, “we live in a global economy. Everything is interlinked. And obviously, one of the great advantages of having a situation of free trade is to create the conditions for all countries to benefit. When we enter into a trade war, I believe all will lose.” On the cuts by the Unites States and other countries on humanitarian aid, Guterres said, “we can adapt the UN, consolidate the UN, make the UN more effective and more cost-effective. What we cannot do is solve the problems of the people that we no longer are able to assist, for lack of resources.” A UN80 Initiative dedicated internal Task Force will be led by Under-Secretary-General Guy Ryder and composed of principals representing the entire UN system.

Published: 12th Mar 2025 03:19:34   By: United Nations

United Nations Video: Haiti: Capital at Risk as Gangs Expand Control, UN Expert Warns | Press Conference | United Nations

Haiti: Capital at Risk as Gangs Expand Control, UN Expert Warns | Press Conference | United Nations
Play Video: Haiti: Capital at Risk as Gangs Expand Control, UN Expert Warns | Press Conference | United Nations

The High Commissioner for Human Rights' Designated Expert on Human Rights in Haiti, William O’Neill, today (11 Mar) told journalists in New York that the risk of the capital, Port-au-Prince “falling under gang control is palpable.” O’Neill said that despite efforts of the Haitian National Police and the Multinational Security Support Mission (MSS), “these violent criminal groups continued to extend and consolidate their hold even beyond the capital. They kill, rape, terrorize, set fire to homes, orphanages, schools, hospitals, places of worship; they recruit children, and they infiltrate all spheres of society. All this with the utmost impunity. And sometimes as many sources point out, with the complicity of powerful actors.” The human rights expert said, “violence has internally displaced over one million people, and thousands more have been displaced just in the last few weeks. They have nowhere to go,” and added that “hunger and sexual violence are widespread” in the makeshift camps. O’Neill told journalists that “the fight against impunity and corruption are major obstacles to dismantling gangs,” and the Haitian state “must make the fight against these two scourges an absolute priority.” The fight against gangs, he cautioned, “must be conducted also in strict compliance with international human rights law, particularly the right to life,” and “no circumstances, however exceptional, can justify the violation of this fundamental right.” O’Neill called on the international community to “act without delay to implement the commitments it has already made, particularly with regard to the sanctions regime, to the arms embargo and the substantial reinforcement of the Multinational Security Support Mission, all done in compliance with international rights law.” Responding to a journalist’s question, he said, “there's nowhere near enough Haitian police, and they don't have the right equipment either in terms of being able to move around at night and effectively. So, that's a big challenge right now, but I don't think it's insuperable. We're not talking about thousands and thousands of whatever, but just total of 2500 international police. Get a few more Haitian national police, but also with the right equipment. I think you could have a huge impact on the gangs.” In October 2022, the Haitian government appealed for the immediate deployment of an “international specialised force” to temporarily reinforce the efforts of the Haitian National Police (HNP) to combat gangs. In July 2023, ten months after Haiti’s initial request, Kenya agreed to lead a multinational force to the country, pledging to deploy 1,000 police officers. At least nine other countries—primarily from Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean—subsequently stated their intention to participate in the force. As of today, the MMS remains severely understaffed.

Published: 12th Mar 2025 02:00:22   By: United Nations

United Nations Video: Syria, Palestine, Sudan & other topics - Daily Press Briefing | United Nations

Syria, Palestine, Sudan & other topics - Daily Press Briefing | United Nations
Play Video: Syria, Palestine, Sudan & other topics - Daily Press Briefing | United Nations

Noon Briefing by Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesperson for the Secretary-General. Highlights: - Commission on the Status of Women -Financing For Development - Syria - Syria/Humanitarian -Occupied Palestinian Territory -Sudan -Rohingya Refugees -Mozambique -Security Council/Afghanistan -Children and Armed Conflict COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN This morning, the Secretary-General spoke at the Town Hall meeting with Civil Society on the occasion of the 69th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women. He thanked participants for being on the frontlines during these difficult times to deliver gender equality. “I stand with you – now and always,” Mr. Guterres said. He added that together “we must push countries and governments to invest in equality for women and girls, push for greater support for women’s rights organizations and for action to tackle misogyny online and close the digital gendered divide.” In these days of danger, civil society is the driver that makes the difference, the Secretary-General said, before hearing from various members of civil society on their views. And you will have seen that yesterday Member States adopted by consensus the Political Declaration, committing to respect, to protect and to promote the rights, equality and empowerment for all women and girls. FINANCING FOR DEVELOPMENT Yesterday, the first draft of the outcome document for the Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development was published by the co-facilitators, those are the Representatives of Mexico, Nepal, Norway and Zambia. The document recognizes that the world is in a sustainable development crisis, and that financing challenges are at the heart of this crisis, with a growing SDG financing gap of $4 trillion. The document sets out commitments for an impact-focused sustainable development investment push and for ambitious international financial architecture reform. Negotiations among Member States will get underway on 24 March ahead of the actual [International] Conference [on Financing for Development], which, as you all know, will take place in Sevilla, in Spain – a lovely place - from 30 June to 3 July. SYRIA We welcome the agreement signed by the leaderships of the Caretaker Authorities in Syria and the Syrian Democratic Forces that took place on Monday, 10 March. Our Special Envoy for Syria, Geir Pedersen, hopes that the agreement can support and feed into a broader, credible and inclusive political transition process, in line with the key principles of Security Council resolution 2254, that leads to a new constitution and free and fair elections. Mr. Pedersen strongly encourages key international stakeholders, including the United States, Türkiye, and regional partners, to support their Syrian partners. That includes supporting a nationwide ceasefire and ensuring genuine compromises that enable peace and stability to take hold in the northeast part of Syria. SYRIA / HUMANITARIAN On the humanitarian front, we obviously remain very concerned about the impact of the recent violence we saw in coastal areas in Syria. Our humanitarian colleagues tell us that power outages continue to disrupt water services in Latakia Governorate, and schools in Latakia and Tartous have been suspended. And you may know, you saw that our High Commissioner for Human Rights, our friend Volker Türk, welcomed the announcement by the caretaker authorities of an independent investigation committee and we call on them to ensure that the investigations undertaken are prompt, that they are thorough, independent and that they are impartial. Meanwhile, on a more positive note, the delivery of cross-border assistance from Türkiye into north-west Syria is continuing. Today, 31 trucks from the World Food Programme, the International Organization for Migration and the UN Refugee Agency went through the Bab al-Hawa crossing from Türkiye into Syria, delivering more than 600 metric tons of aid supplies, including food, shelter repair and hygiene kits. This very much needed aid comes as we and our partners continue to try to mobilize assistance for people in need, including for those displaced by the recent violence. Full Highlights:

Published: 11th Mar 2025 06:48:25   By: United Nations

CNN Video: Analysis: Why US ceasefire deal is a win for Zelensky

Analysis: Why US ceasefire deal is a win for Zelensky
Play Video: Analysis: Why US ceasefire deal is a win for Zelensky

CNN’s Jim Sciutto explains why the US-proposed ceasefire deal is a win for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, especially after his contentious meeting with President Trump.

Published: 12th Mar 2025 09:31:39   By: CNN

CNN Video: Delayed return of two astronauts explained

Delayed return of two astronauts explained
Play Video: Delayed return of two astronauts explained

Two NASA astronauts' return home from space has become a political controversy as SpaceX CEO Elon Musk and President Donald Trump sow confusion about their situation. #cnn #news #iss #astronaut #nasa

Published: 12th Mar 2025 09:28:12   By: CNN

CNN Video: Wife of detained student releases statement

Wife of detained student releases statement
Play Video: Wife of detained student releases statement

After a procedural hearing in New York, prominent Palestinian activist Mahmoud Khalil's attorney read a statement from his wife. Khalil was ordered to remain in an ICE detention facility in Louisiana, days after he was arrested by federal officials at his Columbia University residence in an attempt by the Trump administration to deport him.

Published: 12th Mar 2025 07:53:32   By: CNN

CNN Video: Canada's Carney discusses conditions for Trump talks

Play Video: Canada's Carney discusses conditions for Trump talks

As Trump imposes sweeping 25% tariffs on steel and aluminum, Mark Carney, leader of Canada's ruling Liberal Party, told workers at a steel mill in Hamilton, Ontario that the country's leadership was ready to sit down with the US "under a position where there's respect for Canadian sovereignty." #CNN #News

Published: 12th Mar 2025 06:29:15   By: CNN

CNN Video: Carney: Canada ‘ready to sit down’ with Trump

Carney: Canada ‘ready to sit down’ with Trump
Play Video: Carney: Canada ‘ready to sit down’ with Trump

As Trump imposes sweeping 25% tariffs on steel and aluminum, Mark Carney, leader of Canada’s ruling Liberal Party, told workers at a steel mill in Hamilton, Ontario that the country’s leadership was ready to sit down with the US “under a position where there’s respect for Canadian sovereignty.”

Published: 12th Mar 2025 06:00:08   By: CNN

BBC News Video: From Mexico's drug cartels to US streets - the deadly Fentanyl trade killing thousands | BBC News

From Mexico
Play Video: From Mexico's drug cartels to US streets - the deadly Fentanyl trade killing thousands | BBC News

President Trump says he’s imposing tariffs on Mexico, Canada and China in part because they’re failing to prevent the smuggling of the synthetic opioid fentanyl into the United States. Fentanyl is used in medical settings for pain relief but when it’s abused the drug is deadly. Fentanyl killed more than 70,000 Americans in 2023 alone. Most of it is made in Mexico and smuggled across the border into the US. Reeta Chakrabarti presents BBC News at Ten reporting by Quentin Sommerville and camera-journalist Darren Conway. Subscribe here: For more news, analysis and features visit: #BBCNews

Published: 12th Mar 2025 11:43:56   By: BBC News

BBC News Video: Seventy pythons rescued after couple's break-up. #Snakes #Python #BBCNews

Seventy pythons rescued after couple
Play Video: Seventy pythons rescued after couple's break-up. #Snakes #Python #BBCNews

Published: 12th Mar 2025 08:00:26   By: BBC News

BBC News Video: Amazon forest felled to build road for climate summit | BBC News

Amazon forest felled to build road for climate summit | BBC News
Play Video: Amazon forest felled to build road for climate summit | BBC News

A new four-lane highway cutting through tens of thousands of acres of protected Amazon rainforest is being built for the COP30 climate summit in the Brazilian city of Belém. It aims to ease traffic to the city, which will host more than 50,000 people - including world leaders - at the conference in November. The state government touts the highway's "sustainable" credentials, but some locals and conservationists are outraged at the environmental impact. Subscribe here: For more news, analysis and features visit: #AmazonForest #Brazil #BBCNews

Published: 12th Mar 2025 06:45:00   By: BBC News

BBC News Video: Split Fiction and It Takes Two can 'test your relationship'. #SplitFiction #ItTakesTwo #BBCNews

Split Fiction and It Takes Two can
Play Video: Split Fiction and It Takes Two can 'test your relationship'. #SplitFiction #ItTakesTwo #BBCNews

Published: 12th Mar 2025 06:15:02   By: BBC News

BBC News Video: Split Fiction director Josef Fares says Hazelight can 'do better' | BBC News

Split Fiction director Josef Fares says Hazelight can
Play Video: Split Fiction director Josef Fares says Hazelight can 'do better' | BBC News

Despite the fans and critics alike praising Split Fiction, the game's director has said the studio is already working on its next game - and plan for it to be "better" than the latest release. Speaking to BBC Newsbeat, Josef Fares revealed how 'Freaky Week' helps the Hazelight team create some of the more quirky aspects of the game (yes, the pigs), and his feelings about the current state of the gaming industry. Josef also revealed the strange thing that happened when couples came to test for It Takes Two. Subscribe here: For more news, analysis and features visit: #SplitFiction #Gaming #GamingNews #BBCNews

Published: 12th Mar 2025 05:30:13   By: BBC News

ODN Video: Footage Captures Russian Troops Retaking Sudzha in Kursk Region

Footage Captures Russian Troops Retaking Sudzha in Kursk Region
Play Video: Footage Captures Russian Troops Retaking Sudzha in Kursk Region

CCTV footage released by local media shows alleged Russian soldiers raising the flag in Sudzha. Kyiv forces seized the town in the Kursk region last August, as part of a surprise cross-border offensive. But after seven months of control, the Russian army has claimed it made significant new gains in the region saying it captured more than 100 square kilometres of territory and five settlements. #ukraine #russia #kursk Subscribe here: TikTok: Twitter: Facebook: If you wish to purchase any of our clips for commercial use, please visit:

Published: 12th Mar 2025 07:00:50   By: On Demand News

ODN Video: Shocking Moment Militants Hijack Train in Pakistan

Shocking Moment Militants Hijack Train in Pakistan
Play Video: Shocking Moment Militants Hijack Train in Pakistan

Footage appears to show the moment a deadly train hijacking was carried out by separatist militants in Pakistan. The Jaffar Express was traveling from Quetta to Peshawar on Tuesday when militants from the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) attacked near the Bolan Pass. The attackers reportedly took around 214 passengers hostage, including women, children, and military personnel. Some reports say gunmen opened fire, killing at least 20 people, including the driver. Security forces launched a rescue operation, with reports saying 155 passengers have been recovered so far. #pakistan #pakistannews #breakingnews Subscribe here: TikTok: Twitter: Facebook: If you wish to purchase any of our clips for commercial use, please visit:

Published: 12th Mar 2025 01:20:37   By: On Demand News

ODN Video: Dramatic Footage Shows 'Biggest' Drone Attack Ahead of Crucial US-Ukraine Talks

Dramatic Footage Shows
Play Video: Dramatic Footage Shows 'Biggest' Drone Attack Ahead of Crucial US-Ukraine Talks

Video footage reportedly shows the largest drone strike launched by Ukraine against Moscow.    Ukraine claims its forces targeted oil refineries around the Russian capital.    Meanwhile, Russia claims to have shot down a Ukrainian warplane and 337 drones.  At least three people were killed in the Moscow region following the attack.   A further 18 people, including three children, were also reported injured.   Moscow's air defences fired throughout the night as drones filled the sky.   Russia's Defence Ministry described the barrage as Kyiv's largest aerial attack on Russia so far, calling the attack ‘terrorism’. Subscribe here: TikTok: Twitter: Facebook: If you wish to purchase any of our clips for commercial use, please visit:

Published: 11th Mar 2025 03:30:37   By: On Demand News

ODN Video: Crossbow Killer Kyle Clifford Jailed for Life

Crossbow Killer Kyle Clifford Jailed for Life
Play Video: Crossbow Killer Kyle Clifford Jailed for Life

'Crossbow Killer Kyle Clifford Jailed for Life' Kyle Clifford, 26, has been sentenced to life in prison for three counts of murder. The former soldier became "enraged" when his 25-year-old ex-girlfriend Louise Hunt ended their 18-month relationship. This led to him plotting the "carefully planned and executed" murders of her, her sister Hannah Hunt and mother Carol Hunt in Bushey, Hertfordshire, on 9th July 2024. #uknews #latestnews #courtroom Subscribe here: TikTok: Twitter: Facebook: If you wish to purchase any of our clips for commercial use, please visit:

Published: 11th Mar 2025 03:07:49   By: On Demand News

ODN Video: Moment Police Arrest Philippines Ex-President Rodrigo Duterte at Airport

Moment Police Arrest Philippines Ex-President Rodrigo Duterte at Airport
Play Video: Moment Police Arrest Philippines Ex-President Rodrigo Duterte at Airport

This was the moment the former president of the Philippines was arrested as he arrived at Manila’s international airport. Rodrigo Duterte had been arriving from Hong Kong when he was detained on Tuesday morning after the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued a warrant for his arrest over his brutal ‘War on Drugs’ regime. The former leader is accused of crimes against humanity over his illegal drug crackdowns, in which as many as 30,000 people were killed. The controversial politician admitted to an inquiry in 2024 that he had a “death squad” of gangsters who killed other criminals when he was mayor of Davao. But has always vehemently denied that he authorised police to shoot suspects when he became president in 2016. Subscribe here: TikTok: Twitter: Facebook: If you wish to purchase any of our clips for commercial use, please visit:

Published: 11th Mar 2025 01:45:08   By: On Demand News

CBC Video: New U.S. immigration rules for Canadians ‘disastrous,’ says lawyer | Hanomansing Tonight

New U.S. immigration rules for Canadians ‘disastrous,’ says lawyer | Hanomansing Tonight
Play Video: New U.S. immigration rules for Canadians ‘disastrous,’ says lawyer | Hanomansing Tonight

U.S. immigration lawyer Len Saunders says the U.S. enforcing a visitor registration law for Canadians is ‘disastrous’ because most won't know about it and could face arrest. »»» Subscribe to CBC News to watch more videos: Connect with CBC News Online: For breaking news, video, audio and in-depth coverage: Follow CBC News on TikTok: Follow CBC News on Twitter: Find CBC News on Facebook: Follow CBC News on Instagram: Subscribe to CBC News on Snapchat: Download the CBC News app for iOS: Download the CBC News app for Android: »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» For more than 80 years, CBC News has been the source Canadians turn to, to keep them informed about their communities, their country and their world. Through regional and national programming on multiple platforms, including CBC Television, CBC News Network, CBC Radio,, mobile and on-demand, CBC News and its internationally recognized team of award-winning journalists deliver the breaking stories, the issues, the analyses and the personalities that matter to Canadians.

Published: 13th Mar 2025 01:00:54   By: CBC News

CBC Video: Why this Vancouver beermaker says he can't buy cans in Canada | Hanomansing Tonight

Why this Vancouver beermaker says he can
Play Video: Why this Vancouver beermaker says he can't buy cans in Canada | Hanomansing Tonight

Superflux Beer Company founder Adam Henderson explains that most beer cans come from the United States. The Vancouver beermaker says that passing the added cost from tariffs to consumers will be difficult if they want their beer to compete in the market. »»» Subscribe to CBC News to watch more videos: Connect with CBC News Online: For breaking news, video, audio and in-depth coverage: Follow CBC News on TikTok: Follow CBC News on Twitter: Find CBC News on Facebook: Follow CBC News on Instagram: Subscribe to CBC News on Snapchat: Download the CBC News app for iOS: Download the CBC News app for Android: »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» For more than 80 years, CBC News has been the source Canadians turn to, to keep them informed about their communities, their country and their world. Through regional and national programming on multiple platforms, including CBC Television, CBC News Network, CBC Radio,, mobile and on-demand, CBC News and its internationally recognized team of award-winning journalists deliver the breaking stories, the issues, the analyses and the personalities that matter to Canadians.

Published: 13th Mar 2025 12:58:43   By: CBC News

CBC Video: U.S. bill proposed to stop Trump invading Canada

U.S. bill proposed to stop Trump invading Canada
Play Video: U.S. bill proposed to stop Trump invading Canada

The bill is currently under review but would need Republican support to pass. The congressman behind it says it's more about starting a conversation. Read more: »»» Subscribe to CBC News to watch more videos: Connect with CBC News Online: For breaking news, video, audio and in-depth coverage: Follow CBC News on TikTok: Follow CBC News on Twitter: Find CBC News on Facebook: Follow CBC News on Instagram: Subscribe to CBC News on Snapchat: Download the CBC News app for iOS: Download the CBC News app for Android: »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» For more than 80 years, CBC News has been the source Canadians turn to, to keep them informed about their communities, their country and their world. Through regional and national programming on multiple platforms, including CBC Television, CBC News Network, CBC Radio,, mobile and on-demand, CBC News and its internationally recognized team of award-winning journalists deliver the breaking stories, the issues, the analyses and the personalities that matter to Canadians.

Published: 13th Mar 2025 12:43:24   By: CBC News

CBC Video: How this steel producer deals with 'shifting goalposts every day' | Hanomansing Tonight

How this steel producer deals with
Play Video: How this steel producer deals with 'shifting goalposts every day' | Hanomansing Tonight

AI Industries co-owner Karim Walji says that the back-and-forth over tariffs has his company struggling against competition from other countries. Walji explains that ‘75 per cent of our business is U.S. bound,’ so collaboration between the two countries is highly intertwined. Read more: »»» Subscribe to CBC News to watch more videos: Connect with CBC News Online: For breaking news, video, audio and in-depth coverage: Follow CBC News on TikTok: Follow CBC News on Twitter: Find CBC News on Facebook: Follow CBC News on Instagram: Subscribe to CBC News on Snapchat: Download the CBC News app for iOS: Download the CBC News app for Android: »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» For more than 80 years, CBC News has been the source Canadians turn to, to keep them informed about their communities, their country and their world. Through regional and national programming on multiple platforms, including CBC Television, CBC News Network, CBC Radio,, mobile and on-demand, CBC News and its internationally recognized team of award-winning journalists deliver the breaking stories, the issues, the analyses and the personalities that matter to Canadians.

Published: 13th Mar 2025 12:20:34   By: CBC News

CBC Video: U.S. and Ukraine agreed to a ceasefire deal. Will Russia? | Power & Politics

U.S. and Ukraine agreed to a ceasefire deal. Will Russia? | Power & Politics
Play Video: U.S. and Ukraine agreed to a ceasefire deal. Will Russia? | Power & Politics

Nine hours of talks Tuesday between American, Ukrainian and Saudi Arabian government officials resulted in Ukraine agreeing to a U.S. proposal for a 30-day ceasefire. Ukrainian Ambassador to Canada Yuliya Kovaliv says it's 'now up to Russia.' Plus, analysis from the founder of Eurasia Group, Ian Bremmer. »»» Subscribe to CBC News to watch more videos: Connect with CBC News Online: For breaking news, video, audio and in-depth coverage: Follow CBC News on TikTok: Follow CBC News on Twitter: Find CBC News on Facebook: Follow CBC News on Instagram: Subscribe to CBC News on Snapchat: Download the CBC News app for iOS: Download the CBC News app for Android: »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» For more than 80 years, CBC News has been the source Canadians turn to, to keep them informed about their communities, their country and their world. Through regional and national programming on multiple platforms, including CBC Television, CBC News Network, CBC Radio,, mobile and on-demand, CBC News and its internationally recognized team of award-winning journalists deliver the breaking stories, the issues, the analyses and the personalities that matter to Canadians.

Published: 12th Mar 2025 11:29:42   By: CBC News

International Video: Russia: at least three dead in Ukraine drone attack

Russia: at least three dead in Ukraine drone attack
Play Video: Russia: at least three dead in Ukraine drone attack

Russia has said at least three people died after Ukraine launched a wide scale drone attack on Moscow and 9 other Russian regions. [Subscribe:] ------- Get more news at our site - Follow us: TikTok - Instagram - Twitter - Facebook -

Published: 11th Mar 2025 12:45:18   By: Channel 4 News

International Video: Search for North Sea missing crew member ends

Search for North Sea missing crew member ends
Play Video: Search for North Sea missing crew member ends

A search for a missing crew member belonging to a cargo ship that collided with an oil tanker has been called off. [Subscribe:] Fires aboard both vessels, which collided in the North Sea off the East Yorkshire coast, continued to burn overnight. ------- Get more news at our site - Follow us: TikTok - Instagram - Twitter - Facebook -

Published: 11th Mar 2025 12:32:38   By: Channel 4 News

International Video: Syria latest: historic deal signed after fighting kills over 1,000

Syria latest: historic deal signed after fighting kills over 1,000
Play Video: Syria latest: historic deal signed after fighting kills over 1,000

Syria's central government has signed a deal with the Kurdish-led authority that controls the country's northeast. It's a major breakthrough for Interim President Ahmed Al-Sharaa. It comes as the defence ministry says it's completed its operation against supporters of ousted president Bashar Al-Assad in his coastal heartland. (Subscribe: More than a thousand people are reported to have died in the last few days - most of them civilians from the Alawite minority sect Assad belongs to. The violence erupted along the Mediterranean coast on Thursday when Assad loyalists launched a coordinated assault on security forces in Jableh. Fighting quickly spread to Tartus and Latakia - formerly an Assad stronghold - as the government moved to contain the insurgency, helped by fighters from across the country. Then the revenge killings began. According to a human rights organisation 545 civilians were killed in Latakia and 262 in Tartus. While in the Hama countryside 156 people were killed and 10 in the city of Homs. ----------------------- Follow us: Facebook - Twitter - TikTok - Instagram -

Published: 10th Mar 2025 07:57:18   By: Channel 4 News

International Video: Protesters clash with police in Romania

Protesters clash with police in Romania
Play Video: Protesters clash with police in Romania

Supporters of a far-right Romanian politician Calin Georgescu have clashed with police in Bucharest. [Subscribe:] They’re protesting against a decision that has banned him from running in May’s presidential election. Riot police used tear gas against the crowd and at least four people were detained. ------- Get more news at our site - Follow us: TikTok - Instagram - Twitter - Facebook -

Published: 10th Mar 2025 07:42:54   By: Channel 4 News

International Video: Ukraine Russia war: US expects ‘substantial progress’ in Saudi talks

Ukraine Russia war: US expects ‘substantial progress’ in Saudi talks
Play Video: Ukraine Russia war: US expects ‘substantial progress’ in Saudi talks

White House officials say they expect to make "substantial progress" in talks with Ukraine in Saudi Arabia. Intelligence-sharing will be discussed. (Subscribe: They also hope to sign a deal giving the US access to Ukraine's rare earth minerals. President Zelenskyy flew to Jeddah - though he's leaving the negotiating to his team, who are expected to propose an air and sea ceasefire with Russia. ----------------------- Follow us: Facebook - Twitter - TikTok - Instagram -

Published: 10th Mar 2025 07:38:18   By: Channel 4 News

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