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Global World Topics

Most Common Global Locations for Wind Turbines

Wind energy has become a cornerstone of the renewable energy sector. As the world seeks sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels, wind turbine construction rises in prominence. This post explores the most common global locations for wind turbines and their role in advancing renewable energy.

Europe: Leading the Charge in Wind Energy

Europe stands at the forefront of wind energy adoption, with countries like Germany, Denmark, and Spain leading the way. Germany’s North Sea coast is home to numerous wind farms, while Denmark’s innovative policies make it a hub for wind turbine production. Spain, with its favorable geography, continues to expand its wind energy capacity and solidifies Europe’s position as a leader in the sector.

Technological advancements and supportive government policies are driving the rapid growth of wind energy in Europe. Countries in the region are investing heavily in research and development, resulting in more efficient and powerful wind turbines.

North America: Expanding Wind Farms

North America is one of the most common global locations for wind turbines, with the United States and Canada at the forefront. The US has seen substantial growth in wind farms, particularly in states like Texas, Iowa, and Oklahoma. These states benefit from vast open spaces and consistent wind patterns, making them ideal locations for wind turbine placement.

Canada is also embracing wind power, with provinces such as Ontario and Quebec leading the charge. The country’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions has spurred investment in renewable energy projects, including wind farms.

Asia: Emerging as a Wind Powerhouse

Asia is rapidly becoming a major player in the global wind energy market, with China and India leading the way. China is making substantial investments in wind turbine construction, resulting in the world’s largest wind energy capacity. The country’s ambitious goals to reduce air pollution and dependence on coal are accelerating this growth.

India is also making significant progress in wind energy, with states like Tamil Nadu and Gujarat seeing a surge in wind farm installations. Technological innovations and increasing investment trends in Asia are driving the region’s wind energy boom.

South America, Africa, and Oceania: Developing Wind Energy

While not as prominent as Europe, North America, or Asia, regions like South America, Africa, and Oceania are beginning to harness the potential of wind energy. In South America, Brazil stands out with its favorable wind conditions and a growing number of wind farms. The country’s commitment to renewable energy is evident in its substantial investments in wind turbine construction.

Africa is also showing promise, with countries like South Africa and Kenya making strides in wind energy development. These projects often receive support from international partnerships and funding, which help overcome financial and technical barriers. Oceania, particularly Australia and New Zealand, is tapping into wind energy as part of broader efforts to transition to renewable power sources.

The global landscape of wind energy is dynamic and ever-evolving, with each region contributing to the growth of this vital sector. Understanding the most common geographical locations for wind energy highlights the significance of wind turbine construction in driving sustainable development.

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Most Common Global Locations for Wind Turbines - Newscast

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YouTube World News Playlists

United Nations Video: Humanitarian worker: Overstretched and Under-resourced - Press Conference | United Nations

Humanitarian worker: Overstretched and Under-resourced - Press Conference | United Nations
Play Video: Humanitarian worker: Overstretched and Under-resourced - Press Conference | United Nations

Press Conference by Tom Fletcher, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, on -------------------------------------------- UN Emergency Relief Coordinator Tom Fletcher said, “The pace and the scale of the funding cuts that we've faced are, of course, a seismic shock” to the humanitarian sector. Addressing the press, Fletcher said, “We were already overstretched, under-resourced, and literally under attack with last year being the deadliest year on record to be a humanitarian worker. But of course, it's far tougher for the people who we serve. 300 million plus right now need humanitarian support.” He stressed, “Many will die because that aid is drying up. And across the humanitarian community, programs are being stopped right now. Staff are being let go right now; I think 10 percent of NGO colleagues were laid off in the course of February. And across the UN family and our partners, we're making tough choices day to day about which lives we will have to prioritize, which lives we have to try to save. And so, I think this period ahead, the weeks actually ahead will define how we emerge as a humanitarian movement from this sustained challenge.” He said, “I'll receive at the end of this week, on Friday, detailed plans from all of our humanitarian coordinators. So, the lead humanitarian official in each of our crisis countries, drawn together by their humanitarian country team across agencies and NGOs on how they will change their strategies to make this new challenge.” He continued, “But behind that regrouping, we'll also have to renew what we do as well. We'll have to build fresh arguments, fresh allies for our work. We'll have to find new sources of funding. We'll have to fight back. We'll have to reimagine what we do, and - this is an important point and easy thing to say, much harder to actually deliver - we will have to shift power towards our humanitarian leaders in country and towards the people that we serve, the communities that we work with on the frontlines of the humanitarian crisis.” He added, “So, we need a humanitarian decade, we'll have to win afresh that argument for humanitarian and international solidarity. And that is a cause which I believe is mightier than year to year fluctuations and political changes.” He highlighted, “We have been reliant in recent years – over reliant - on US funding. Almost half of our appeals have been funded by the American taxpayers. And it is important to recognize that we shouldn't ever take that for granted. Particularly, in a period of economic difficulty and in a period when, when many governments are in retreat from the world.” Answering a question, he said, “I can't put a precise number on what the US cuts, the difference that would make. But what I can say is that over years and decades now, the US has been a humanitarian superpower, and the US funding has saved hundreds of millions of lives. And so, I hope that over time, we can make the case afresh for why that work is so important, and that we can ensure that funding is resumed so we can carry on saving that number of lives.”

Published: 13th Mar 2025 01:25:52   By: United Nations

United Nations Video: United Kingdom on Iran's Non-proliferation- Security Council Media Stakeout | United Nations

United Kingdom on Iran
Play Video: United Kingdom on Iran's Non-proliferation- Security Council Media Stakeout | United Nations

Comments to the media by James Kariuki, Deputy Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom to the United Nations, before the closed consultations of the Security Council on Non-proliferation.

Published: 12th Mar 2025 07:25:04   By: United Nations

United Nations Video: Gaza, Lebanon/Israel & other topics - Daily Press Briefing | United Nations

Gaza, Lebanon/Israel & other topics - Daily Press Briefing | United Nations
Play Video: Gaza, Lebanon/Israel & other topics - Daily Press Briefing | United Nations

Noon Briefing by Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesperson for the Secretary-General. Highlights: - UN80 - Occupied Palestinian Territory - Lebanon/Israel - Syria - Ukraine - Democratic Republic of the Congo - Development Cooperation Forum - Violence Against Children - Financial Contribution UN80 This morning, in a press encounter, the Secretary-General said that during this 80th anniversary year of the United Nations, it is essential that an organizational system as complex and crucial as ours subjects itself to rigorous and regular scrutiny to assess its fitness for purpose in carrying out its goals efficiently. This is why he has informed Member States that he is officially launching what we call the UN80 Initiative. The Secretary-General has appointed a dedicated internal Task Force led by the Under-Secretary-General for Policy, Guy Ryder, and composed of principals representing the entire UN system. The objective will be to present to Member States proposals in three areas: first, rapidly identifying efficiencies and improvements in the way we work; second, thoroughly reviewing the implementation of all mandates given to us by Member States, which have significantly increased in recent years; and third, a strategic review of deeper, more structural changes and programme realignment within the UN System. OCCUPIED PALESTINIAN TERRITORY The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) warns that after 11 days of no humanitarian assistance entering Gaza, the crucial progress made during the first six weeks of the ceasefire continues to unravel. Across the Gaza Strip, it is becoming more difficult for people to have decent and sufficient food, water, medical services and other vital items. Efforts to restore the health system in Gaza continue, but progress is slow. In North Gaza governorate, only 16 per cent of health service points are functioning either fully or partially. That includes three out of five hospitals, six out of 50 medical points, and four of over two dozen primary healthcare centres. Major challenges also persist in solid waste management. Overflowing trash is creating unsanitary living conditions and obviously, heightening public health risks. Full Highlights:

Published: 12th Mar 2025 06:02:02   By: United Nations

United Nations Video: UN80 Initiative: UN Efficiency and Structural Reforms - UN Chief's Media Stakeout | United Nations

UN80 Initiative: UN Efficiency and Structural Reforms - UN Chief
Play Video: UN80 Initiative: UN Efficiency and Structural Reforms - UN Chief's Media Stakeout | United Nations

Informal comments to the media by António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, on the launch of his UN80 Initiative. ----------------------------- Secretary-General António Guterres announced the launch of the UN80 Initiative to rapidly identify efficiencies and improvements, review the implementation of all mandates given to the Organization by Member States, and conduct a strategic review of “deeper, more structural changes and programme realignment in the UN System.” Speaking to reporters today (12 Mar) in New York, the Secretary-General said, “the United Nations has never been more needed,” but noted that “resources are shrinking across the board – and they have been for a long time.” He said it was “essential that an organizational system as complex and crucial as the United Nations – subjects itself to rigorous and regular scrutiny to assess its fitness for purpose in carrying out its goals efficiently.” The objectives, Guterres said, “will be to present to Member States proposals in three areas: First, rapidly identifying efficiencies and improvements in the way we work. Second, thoroughly reviewing the implementation of all mandates given to us by Member States, which have significantly increased in recent years. Third, a strategic review of deeper, more structural changes and programme realignment in the UN System.” He stressed that “budgets at the United Nations are not just numbers on a balance sheet – they are a matter of life and death for millions around the world,” and said, “we must ensure value for money while advancing shared values.” Taking a journalist’s question on Ukraine, the Secretary-General said, “we’ll welcome a ceasefire in Ukraine. Too many people have died. A ceasefire is indeed a positive thing, and we hope that it will materialize. And we hope that it will pave the way for peace, a just peace. And you know what are the parameters that we consider relevant for a just peace: the Charter, international law and the resolutions of the General Assembly.” On the tariffs being impose by the United States on other countries, he said, “we live in a global economy. Everything is interlinked. And obviously, one of the great advantages of having a situation of free trade is to create the conditions for all countries to benefit. When we enter into a trade war, I believe all will lose.” On the cuts by the Unites States and other countries on humanitarian aid, Guterres said, “we can adapt the UN, consolidate the UN, make the UN more effective and more cost-effective. What we cannot do is solve the problems of the people that we no longer are able to assist, for lack of resources.” A UN80 Initiative dedicated internal Task Force will be led by Under-Secretary-General Guy Ryder and composed of principals representing the entire UN system.

Published: 12th Mar 2025 03:19:34   By: United Nations

United Nations Video: Haiti: Capital at Risk as Gangs Expand Control, UN Expert Warns | Press Conference | United Nations

Haiti: Capital at Risk as Gangs Expand Control, UN Expert Warns | Press Conference | United Nations
Play Video: Haiti: Capital at Risk as Gangs Expand Control, UN Expert Warns | Press Conference | United Nations

The High Commissioner for Human Rights' Designated Expert on Human Rights in Haiti, William O’Neill, today (11 Mar) told journalists in New York that the risk of the capital, Port-au-Prince “falling under gang control is palpable.” O’Neill said that despite efforts of the Haitian National Police and the Multinational Security Support Mission (MSS), “these violent criminal groups continued to extend and consolidate their hold even beyond the capital. They kill, rape, terrorize, set fire to homes, orphanages, schools, hospitals, places of worship; they recruit children, and they infiltrate all spheres of society. All this with the utmost impunity. And sometimes as many sources point out, with the complicity of powerful actors.” The human rights expert said, “violence has internally displaced over one million people, and thousands more have been displaced just in the last few weeks. They have nowhere to go,” and added that “hunger and sexual violence are widespread” in the makeshift camps. O’Neill told journalists that “the fight against impunity and corruption are major obstacles to dismantling gangs,” and the Haitian state “must make the fight against these two scourges an absolute priority.” The fight against gangs, he cautioned, “must be conducted also in strict compliance with international human rights law, particularly the right to life,” and “no circumstances, however exceptional, can justify the violation of this fundamental right.” O’Neill called on the international community to “act without delay to implement the commitments it has already made, particularly with regard to the sanctions regime, to the arms embargo and the substantial reinforcement of the Multinational Security Support Mission, all done in compliance with international rights law.” Responding to a journalist’s question, he said, “there's nowhere near enough Haitian police, and they don't have the right equipment either in terms of being able to move around at night and effectively. So, that's a big challenge right now, but I don't think it's insuperable. We're not talking about thousands and thousands of whatever, but just total of 2500 international police. Get a few more Haitian national police, but also with the right equipment. I think you could have a huge impact on the gangs.” In October 2022, the Haitian government appealed for the immediate deployment of an “international specialised force” to temporarily reinforce the efforts of the Haitian National Police (HNP) to combat gangs. In July 2023, ten months after Haiti’s initial request, Kenya agreed to lead a multinational force to the country, pledging to deploy 1,000 police officers. At least nine other countries—primarily from Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean—subsequently stated their intention to participate in the force. As of today, the MMS remains severely understaffed.

Published: 12th Mar 2025 02:00:22   By: United Nations

CNN Video: US influencer's visa under review after taking baby wombat from mother

US influencer
Play Video: US influencer's visa under review after taking baby wombat from mother

An American tourist who was filmed picking up and running off with a wild baby wombat may be forced to leave Australia if officials find she has breached the conditions of her visa. The video, shared widely on social media, has now been deleted.

Published: 13th Mar 2025 06:34:54   By: CNN

CNN Video: Jewish protesters arrested after storming Trump Tower

Jewish protesters arrested after storming Trump Tower
Play Video: Jewish protesters arrested after storming Trump Tower

Nearly 100 people were arrested after protesters gathered at Trump Tower in Manhattan Thursday to denounce the arrest of Mahmoud Khalil, a Palestinian activist detained by ICE over his involvement with pro-Palestinian demonstrations at Columbia University. The protest, organized by Jewish Voice for Peace, began shortly after noon when demonstrators dressed in red shirts that read “Not in our Name” and “Jews Say Stop Arming Israel,” crammed into the Tower’s iconic golden lobby. #CNN #News

Published: 13th Mar 2025 06:31:47   By: CNN

CNN Video: Pope Francis marks 12th anniversary in hospital

Pope Francis marks 12th anniversary in hospital
Play Video: Pope Francis marks 12th anniversary in hospital

CNN Vatican Correspondent, Christopher Lamb, takes a look at the impact Pope Francis has made on the papacy and the Catholic Church on the 12th anniversary of his election. The Pope has been in hospital since mid-February, battling double pneumonia. #CNN #News

Published: 13th Mar 2025 06:25:27   By: CNN

CNN Video: Putin has ‘reservations’ on ceasefire proposal

Putin has ‘reservations’ on ceasefire proposal
Play Video: Putin has ‘reservations’ on ceasefire proposal

Russian President Vladimir Putin said during his Thursday news conference that he has “reservations” about a 30-day ceasefire proposal in the Ukraine war, saying it’s not clear how the situation would develop in the region of Kursk and elsewhere if a ceasefire was implemented.

Published: 13th Mar 2025 06:03:40   By: CNN

CNN Video: How to exit the country without screwing it up

How to exit the country without screwing it up
Play Video: How to exit the country without screwing it up

How to exit the country without screwing it up: More and more Americans are looking at how to move out of the US after election season, and those who've done it have a few big notes of caution for travel hopefuls. #cnn #cnnnews #livingabroad

Published: 13th Mar 2025 05:51:55   By: CNN

BBC News Video: Russia agrees with Ukraine peace proposal, but says it should lead to 'enduring peace' | BBC News

Russia agrees with Ukraine peace proposal, but says it should lead to
Play Video: Russia agrees with Ukraine peace proposal, but says it should lead to 'enduring peace' | BBC News

Russian President Vladimir Putin said fighting must end in Ukraine, but adds a ceasefire should lead to "enduring peace and remove underlying causes of this crisis”. He said the idea of a ceasefire is "good and we absolutely support it but there are issues that we need to discuss”. The Russian president spoke at a joint press conference with Belarus’ leader Alexander Lukashenko, as US President Donald Trump's envoy Steve Witkoff arrived in Moscow ahead of US-Russia talks on the 30-day ceasefire proposal. Subscribe here: For more news, analysis and features visit: #Russia #Ukraine #BBCNews

Published: 13th Mar 2025 06:30:28   By: BBC News

BBC News Video: Influencer who stole baby wombat criticised by Australian PM. #Wombat #Australia #BBCNews

Influencer who stole baby wombat criticised by Australian PM. #Wombat #Australia #BBCNews
Play Video: Influencer who stole baby wombat criticised by Australian PM. #Wombat #Australia #BBCNews

Subscribe here: For more news, analysis and features visit: #BBCNews

Published: 13th Mar 2025 06:00:45   By: BBC News

BBC News Video: US President Donald Trump threatens 200% tariff on alcohol from EU countries | BBC News

US President Donald Trump threatens 200% tariff on alcohol from EU countries | BBC News
Play Video: US President Donald Trump threatens 200% tariff on alcohol from EU countries | BBC News

US President Donald Trump has threatened a 200% tariff on alcohol from EU countries unless a "nasty 50% tariff on whisky" is stopped. It's the latest escalation of a global trade war, which this week has ramped up with 25% tariffs on all steel and aluminium entering the US. The EU responded to the steel and aluminium tariffs by saying it would raise its levies on up to €26bn ($28bn; £22bn) worth of US goods, including boats, bourbon and motorbikes, from 1 April. Subscribe here: For more news, analysis and features visit: #DonaldTrump #EuropeanUnion #BBCNews

Published: 13th Mar 2025 05:16:32   By: BBC News

BBC News Video: Stranger Things actress Sadie Sink cast in Spider-Man 4, according to reports. #BBCNews

Stranger Things actress Sadie Sink cast in Spider-Man 4, according to reports. #BBCNews
Play Video: Stranger Things actress Sadie Sink cast in Spider-Man 4, according to reports. #BBCNews

Published: 13th Mar 2025 04:15:43   By: BBC News

BBC News Video: The EU and Canada hit back at President Trump's tariffs | BBC Newscast

The EU and Canada hit back at President Trump
Play Video: The EU and Canada hit back at President Trump's tariffs | BBC Newscast

Today, we look at responses and retaliations to President Trump’s universal tariffs on steel and aluminium. Adam Fleming is joined by Caitríona Perry, Chief Presenter BBC News in Washington, and Dharshini David, chief economics correspondent to discuss retaliatory tariffs from the EU and Canada, as well as UK Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer’s response. Plus, Russia is “studying” the proposed plan for a 30-day ceasefire with Ukraine. Chris Steele, former head of the Russia Desk at MI6, discusses how President Putin and the Kremlin will approach any negotiation. Subscribe here: For more news, analysis and features visit: #BBCNews #bbcnewscast #ukraine #us #russia #putin #donaldtrump

Published: 13th Mar 2025 02:37:04   By: BBC News

ODN Video: Putin Responds to Ceasefire Proposal as Russian Forces Advance in Kursk

Putin Responds to Ceasefire Proposal as Russian Forces Advance in Kursk
Play Video: Putin Responds to Ceasefire Proposal as Russian Forces Advance in Kursk

The Kremlin has released footage of the moment Russian President Vladimir Putin visited a military command centre in the Kursk region for the first time since Ukraine’s incursion. Parts of the region have been occupied by the Ukrainian army since August after Kyiv launched an unexpected cross-border offensive. But Russia has said its soldiers are close to completely driving out Ukrainian troops from their last foothold, Sudzha. It comes as Putin has said conditions of the ceasefire deal with Ukraine needs to be worked out. #ukraine #russia #kursk Subscribe here: TikTok: Twitter: Facebook: If you wish to purchase any of our clips for commercial use, please visit:

Published: 13th Mar 2025 05:18:13   By: On Demand News

ODN Video: Inside China, Russia, and Iran's Massive Military Showdown in the Gulf of Oman

Inside China, Russia, and Iran
Play Video: Inside China, Russia, and Iran's Massive Military Showdown in the Gulf of Oman

China, Russia, and Iran have finished the main phase of their joint naval exercise, ‘Security Belt-2025’ with their warships docking at Iran’s Chabahar Port on Tuesday. The drills took place in the Gulf of Oman near the Strait of Hormuz, a crucial route for global oil shipments. Warships from all three nations practised targeting threats at sea, boarding and inspecting vessels, damage control, and search and rescue missions.  On Monday, the fleets moved to the exercise zone, where China took command of a live-fire drill at night. Their ships, along with Russian and Iranian vessels, carried out coordinated shooting exercises and machine gun drills at sea. Subscribe here: TikTok: Twitter: Facebook: If you wish to purchase any of our clips for commercial use, please visit:

Published: 13th Mar 2025 01:57:58   By: On Demand News

ODN Video: Pakistan Train Hijack: Footage Shows Final Group of Rescued Hostages

Pakistan Train Hijack: Footage Shows Final Group of Rescued Hostages
Play Video: Pakistan Train Hijack: Footage Shows Final Group of Rescued Hostages

This is the moment the last group of rescued hostages arrived at Mach railway station, escorted by security forces after a deadly standoff with militants. The Jaffar Express was traveling from Quetta to Peshawar on 11th March, when gunmen from the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) launched an attack near the Bolan Pass. Explosives were used to stop the train before militants opened fire, reportedly killing at least 20 people. Over 400 passengers were taken hostage, including women, children, and reportedly military personnel. #pakistan #pakistannews #breakingnews Subscribe here: TikTok: Twitter: Facebook: If you wish to purchase any of our clips for commercial use, please visit:

Published: 13th Mar 2025 01:04:31   By: On Demand News

ODN Video: Footage Captures Russian Troops Retaking Sudzha in Kursk Region

Footage Captures Russian Troops Retaking Sudzha in Kursk Region
Play Video: Footage Captures Russian Troops Retaking Sudzha in Kursk Region

CCTV footage released by local media shows alleged Russian soldiers raising the flag in Sudzha. Kyiv forces seized the town in the Kursk region last August, as part of a surprise cross-border offensive. But after seven months of control, the Russian army has claimed it made significant new gains in the region saying it captured more than 100 square kilometres of territory and five settlements. #ukraine #russia #kursk Subscribe here: TikTok: Twitter: Facebook: If you wish to purchase any of our clips for commercial use, please visit:

Published: 12th Mar 2025 07:00:50   By: On Demand News

ODN Video: Shocking Moment Militants Hijack Train in Pakistan

Shocking Moment Militants Hijack Train in Pakistan
Play Video: Shocking Moment Militants Hijack Train in Pakistan

Footage appears to show the moment a deadly train hijacking was carried out by separatist militants in Pakistan. The Jaffar Express was traveling from Quetta to Peshawar on Tuesday when militants from the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) attacked near the Bolan Pass. The attackers reportedly took around 214 passengers hostage, including women, children, and military personnel. Some reports say gunmen opened fire, killing at least 20 people, including the driver. Security forces launched a rescue operation, with reports saying 155 passengers have been recovered so far. #pakistan #pakistannews #breakingnews Subscribe here: TikTok: Twitter: Facebook: If you wish to purchase any of our clips for commercial use, please visit:

Published: 12th Mar 2025 01:20:37   By: On Demand News

CBC Video: Some Prince Edward Islanders say they intend to avoid U.S. travel

Some Prince Edward Islanders say they intend to avoid U.S. travel
Play Video: Some Prince Edward Islanders say they intend to avoid U.S. travel

New Statistics Canada data shows that fewer Canadians crossed into the United States in February compared to the same month in past years. Island travel agents say that's reflected in the inquiries they're getting about travelling anywhere but due south. CBC's Nicola MacLeod hit the streets of Charlottetown to hear what people are saying. »»» Subscribe to CBC News to watch more videos: Connect with CBC News Online: For breaking news, video, audio and in-depth coverage: Follow CBC News on TikTok: Follow CBC News on Twitter: Find CBC News on Facebook: Follow CBC News on Instagram: Subscribe to CBC News on Snapchat: Download the CBC News app for iOS: Download the CBC News app for Android: »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» For more than 80 years, CBC News has been the source Canadians turn to, to keep them informed about their communities, their country and their world. Through regional and national programming on multiple platforms, including CBC Television, CBC News Network, CBC Radio,, mobile and on-demand, CBC News and its internationally recognized team of award-winning journalists deliver the breaking stories, the issues, the analyses and the personalities that matter to Canadians.

Published: 13th Mar 2025 06:16:47   By: CBC News

CBC Video: China announces 25% tariff on Canadian seafood

China announces 25% tariff on Canadian seafood
Play Video: China announces 25% tariff on Canadian seafood

China says it will impose a 25 per cent tariff on Canadian seafood starting March 20 as a retaliatory measure to Canada imposing tariffs on Chinese-made steel, aluminum and electric vehicles in the fall. Over 40 products, including lobster, crab, shrimp and halibut, will face the new tariff. Read more: »»» Subscribe to CBC News to watch more videos: Connect with CBC News Online: For breaking news, video, audio and in-depth coverage: Follow CBC News on TikTok: Follow CBC News on Twitter: Find CBC News on Facebook: Follow CBC News on Instagram: Subscribe to CBC News on Snapchat: Download the CBC News app for iOS: Download the CBC News app for Android: »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» For more than 80 years, CBC News has been the source Canadians turn to, to keep them informed about their communities, their country and their world. Through regional and national programming on multiple platforms, including CBC Television, CBC News Network, CBC Radio,, mobile and on-demand, CBC News and its internationally recognized team of award-winning journalists deliver the breaking stories, the issues, the analyses and the personalities that matter to Canadians.

Published: 13th Mar 2025 04:50:00   By: CBC News

CBC Video: Burner phone! A trade war call-in special | Front Burner

Burner phone! A trade war call-in special | Front Burner
Play Video: Burner phone! A trade war call-in special | Front Burner

You sent us your questions about all things tariffs and trade war and we took them to the experts. »»» Subscribe to CBC News to watch more videos: Connect with CBC News Online: For breaking news, video, audio and in-depth coverage: Follow CBC News on TikTok: Follow CBC News on Twitter: Find CBC News on Facebook: Follow CBC News on Instagram: Subscribe to CBC News on Snapchat: Download the CBC News app for iOS: Download the CBC News app for Android: »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» For more than 80 years, CBC News has been the source Canadians turn to, to keep them informed about their communities, their country and their world. Through regional and national programming on multiple platforms, including CBC Television, CBC News Network, CBC Radio,, mobile and on-demand, CBC News and its internationally recognized team of award-winning journalists deliver the breaking stories, the issues, the analyses and the personalities that matter to Canadians.

Published: 13th Mar 2025 04:19:43   By: CBC News

CBC Video: Why John Green is obsessed with tuberculosis, the world’s deadliest curable disease | The Current

Why John Green is obsessed with tuberculosis, the world’s deadliest curable disease | The Current
Play Video: Why John Green is obsessed with tuberculosis, the world’s deadliest curable disease | The Current

Tuberculosis is entirely curable and yet also the deadliest infectious disease in the world. That paradox has fascinated John Green, the popular YouTuber and author of The Fault in Our Stars, ever since he met a boy called Henry at a TB hospital in Sierra Leone. Green's new book, Everything is Tuberculosis, tells Henry’s story and asks why this disease still kills more people every year than homicide, war, and malaria combined. #johngreen #tuberculosis #tb #health #world »»» Subscribe to CBC News to watch more videos: Connect with CBC News Online: For breaking news, video, audio and in-depth coverage: Follow CBC News on TikTok: Follow CBC News on Twitter: Find CBC News on Facebook: Follow CBC News on Instagram: Subscribe to CBC News on Snapchat: Download the CBC News app for iOS: Download the CBC News app for Android: »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» For more than 80 years, CBC News has been the source Canadians turn to, to keep them informed about their communities, their country and their world. Through regional and national programming on multiple platforms, including CBC Television, CBC News Network, CBC Radio,, mobile and on-demand, CBC News and its internationally recognized team of award-winning journalists deliver the breaking stories, the issues, the analyses and the personalities that matter to Canadians.

Published: 13th Mar 2025 04:11:11   By: CBC News

CBC Video: What we know about Ford's meeting in Washington

What we know about Ford
Play Video: What we know about Ford's meeting in Washington

Premier Doug Ford is meeting with the U.S. Secretary of Commerce in Washington as the White House takes aim at Canada's retaliatory tariffs. CBC’s Mike Crawley breaks down what’s at stake. »»» Subscribe to CBC News to watch more videos: Connect with CBC News Online: For breaking news, video, audio and in-depth coverage: Follow CBC News on TikTok: Follow CBC News on Twitter: Find CBC News on Facebook: Follow CBC News on Instagram: Subscribe to CBC News on Snapchat: Download the CBC News app for iOS: Download the CBC News app for Android: »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» For more than 80 years, CBC News has been the source Canadians turn to, to keep them informed about their communities, their country and their world. Through regional and national programming on multiple platforms, including CBC Television, CBC News Network, CBC Radio,, mobile and on-demand, CBC News and its internationally recognized team of award-winning journalists deliver the breaking stories, the issues, the analyses and the personalities that matter to Canadians.

Published: 13th Mar 2025 03:33:56   By: CBC News

International Video: Russia: at least three dead in Ukraine drone attack

Russia: at least three dead in Ukraine drone attack
Play Video: Russia: at least three dead in Ukraine drone attack

Russia has said at least three people died after Ukraine launched a wide scale drone attack on Moscow and 9 other Russian regions. [Subscribe:] ------- Get more news at our site - Follow us: TikTok - Instagram - Twitter - Facebook -

Published: 11th Mar 2025 12:45:18   By: Channel 4 News

International Video: Search for North Sea missing crew member ends

Search for North Sea missing crew member ends
Play Video: Search for North Sea missing crew member ends

A search for a missing crew member belonging to a cargo ship that collided with an oil tanker has been called off. [Subscribe:] Fires aboard both vessels, which collided in the North Sea off the East Yorkshire coast, continued to burn overnight. ------- Get more news at our site - Follow us: TikTok - Instagram - Twitter - Facebook -

Published: 11th Mar 2025 12:32:38   By: Channel 4 News

International Video: Syria latest: historic deal signed after fighting kills over 1,000

Syria latest: historic deal signed after fighting kills over 1,000
Play Video: Syria latest: historic deal signed after fighting kills over 1,000

Syria's central government has signed a deal with the Kurdish-led authority that controls the country's northeast. It's a major breakthrough for Interim President Ahmed Al-Sharaa. It comes as the defence ministry says it's completed its operation against supporters of ousted president Bashar Al-Assad in his coastal heartland. (Subscribe: More than a thousand people are reported to have died in the last few days - most of them civilians from the Alawite minority sect Assad belongs to. The violence erupted along the Mediterranean coast on Thursday when Assad loyalists launched a coordinated assault on security forces in Jableh. Fighting quickly spread to Tartus and Latakia - formerly an Assad stronghold - as the government moved to contain the insurgency, helped by fighters from across the country. Then the revenge killings began. According to a human rights organisation 545 civilians were killed in Latakia and 262 in Tartus. While in the Hama countryside 156 people were killed and 10 in the city of Homs. ----------------------- Follow us: Facebook - Twitter - TikTok - Instagram -

Published: 10th Mar 2025 07:57:18   By: Channel 4 News

International Video: Protesters clash with police in Romania

Protesters clash with police in Romania
Play Video: Protesters clash with police in Romania

Supporters of a far-right Romanian politician Calin Georgescu have clashed with police in Bucharest. [Subscribe:] They’re protesting against a decision that has banned him from running in May’s presidential election. Riot police used tear gas against the crowd and at least four people were detained. ------- Get more news at our site - Follow us: TikTok - Instagram - Twitter - Facebook -

Published: 10th Mar 2025 07:42:54   By: Channel 4 News

International Video: Ukraine Russia war: US expects ‘substantial progress’ in Saudi talks

Ukraine Russia war: US expects ‘substantial progress’ in Saudi talks
Play Video: Ukraine Russia war: US expects ‘substantial progress’ in Saudi talks

White House officials say they expect to make "substantial progress" in talks with Ukraine in Saudi Arabia. Intelligence-sharing will be discussed. (Subscribe: They also hope to sign a deal giving the US access to Ukraine's rare earth minerals. President Zelenskyy flew to Jeddah - though he's leaving the negotiating to his team, who are expected to propose an air and sea ceasefire with Russia. ----------------------- Follow us: Facebook - Twitter - TikTok - Instagram -

Published: 10th Mar 2025 07:38:18   By: Channel 4 News

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