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Weather Channel's Jim Cantore faces snow, freezing temps and car break-in in Memphis
Weather reporters Jim Cantore and Charles Peek arrived in ... Start the day smarter. Get all the news you need in your inbox each morning. "Not really how I wanted to start my day in Memphis. Read More
Young meteorologist meets his idol, Jim Cantore
Ethan Clark gained a huge following for his accurate weather updates, earning him a top civilian honor in North Carolina and a meeting with his hero, Jim Cantore. Read More
Jim Cantore of The Weather Channel’s Best Day Ever In Atlanta
Here's how the Atlanta-based Weather Channel's mega-meteorologist Jim Cantore would spend ... get a drink at the bar. You go in that little backroom if you don't have your table ready. Read More
Young meteorologist earns praise for lifesaving forecasts — and meets his idol, Jim Cantore
Ethan Clark gained a huge following for his accurate weather updates, earning him a top civilian honor in North Carolina and a meeting with his hero, Jim Cantore. Read More
The Weather Channel previews ice storm in scary immersive mixed reality
The biggest stories of the day delivered to your inbox. Read More
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