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US Demands Release Of Iranian-American Journalist
The United States on Tuesday demanded that Iran free an Iranian-American journalist sentenced to 10 years in prison, in the first known arrest of an American by Tehran since a prisoner swap last year. Read More
American Travis Timmerman freed from Syrian prison by US military after long ordeal
US military has flown Travis Timmerman, an American imprisoned in Syria, out of the country, US official says. We'll be bringing you the very latest updates, pictures, and videos on this breaking news ... Read More
American freed from Syrian prison after Assad's overthrow taken out of country by US military
Travis Timmerman, an American who was freed by Syrian rebels this week after the overthrow of former President Bashar al-Assad, has been flown out of the country by the U.S. military. Read More
Iran sentences an Iranian-American journalist to 10 years in prison
A court in Iran has sentenced Iranian-American journalist Reza Valizadeh to 10 years on prison after finding him guilty of collaborating with a hostile government ... Read More
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