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Everything you need to know about Florida's social media ban for minors
Folks honed in on the presidential election in lieu of state politics might be surprised to learn that Florida, indeed, passed a bill that bans minors from having social media accounts. Florida ... Read More
Australia passed a law banning social media for kids under 16. Tech companies will need creative solutions to avoid $32 million fines.
Australia voted to ban social media for kids under 16. But how tech companies should comply with the new law remains a big question. Read More
Parents' Ultimate Guide to Social Media (2024)
Connecting with friends: Social media has largely replaced texting and phone calls as teens' primary way of communicating. While parents might see social media as "extra," for teens it's their ... Read More
What countries do to regulate children's social media access
Australia has approved a social media ban for children aged under 16, one of the world's toughest regulations targeting Big Tech. Here is what Australia, European countries, and tech companies have ... Read More
Why banning kids from social media might do more harm than good
Some people of a certain age are ignorant of how social media has embedded itself into our kids’ daily ... they proceed, the proposed bans will be a disaster. Parents are under-informed and ... Read More
Australia introduces proposed law to ban social media for children younger than 16
Communications Minister Michelle Rowland said the proposed law ... social media is doing social harm," Albanese said in a statement. "We want Australian children to have a childhood, and we want ... Read More
Why Schools And Parents Should Be Concerned Amid Increasing Social Media Use In Teens
Given the growing discussion and movement around tech’s role in the youth mental health crisis, should schools and parents really be concerned? Read More
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