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Thermo Fisher Scientific shows signs of growth with increased business in China and clinical trials. Read more to see our analysis on TMO stock.
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Posted: 2024-07-25 04:33:00

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YouTube Science News Playlists

Science News Video: This spider crawls like ant to avoid being eaten #science #mimicry

This spider crawls like ant to avoid being eaten  #science #mimicry
Play Video: This spider crawls like ant to avoid being eaten #science #mimicry

This jumping spider mimics the movements of ant species in its environment to avoid being eaten. The spider’s predators, such as praying mantis, pass up anything that might be an ant to avoid the ants' painful bite. Read the story:

Published: 26th Jul 2024 03:00:46   By: Science Magazine

Science News Video: What makes #blueberries blue?

What makes #blueberries blue?
Play Video: What makes #blueberries blue?

Turns out blueberries don't have blue pigment. Instead, structural color from the waxy surface on blueberries gives them their signature color. Video by Sarah Crespi Footage: Middleton et al. (2024)/Science Advances Music: Nguyen Khoi Nguyen

Published: 7th Jun 2024 04:00:11   By: Science Magazine

Science News Video: After 50 years, Lucy faces rivals with other human ancestors

After 50 years, Lucy faces rivals with other human ancestors
Play Video: After 50 years, Lucy faces rivals with other human ancestors

In 1974, paleoanthropologist Don Johanson and student Tom Gray unearthed a 40% complete skeleton of an early human ancestor, fundamentally changing the human family tree. The specimen acquired a nickname that persisted: Lucy, after the Beatles song playing at the fossil hunter’s camp--“Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.” At 3.2 million years old, some thought her species, Australopithecus afarensis, was close to when the ancestor of humans had split from the ancestor of chimpanzees. But in the past 50 years, discoveries of hominins both older and the same age as Lucy have pushed that split millions of years deeper in time, and challenged her position as mother of us all. Read the story:

Published: 28th May 2024 05:23:04   By: Science Magazine

Science News Video: Soccer-playing robots teach themselves to score

Soccer-playing robots teach themselves to score
Play Video: Soccer-playing robots teach themselves to score

Developing athletic ability requires practice, even for robots. Using an approach driven by trial and error called deep reinforcement learning, researchers at DeepMind helped these soccer-playing robots develop skills, agility, and techniques to improve their play--all at a higher level than could be manually programmed. The computer “agents” controlling the robots picked up the rules and nuances of the game by observing human soccer players, then playing against each other in both simulations and using real-life robots. Robots play each other to improve their game, get computational “coaching,” and even mimic defensive moves of human players. While these athletic machines may not be making starting lineups anytime soon, computer scientists hope that this ability to learn and perform complex tasks in unpredictable environments will prove useful well beyond the soccer field. Read the research paper here:

Published: 6th May 2024 03:00:31   By: Science Magazine

Science News Video: Why are these #frogs such clumsy jumpers?

Why are these #frogs such clumsy jumpers?
Play Video: Why are these #frogs such clumsy jumpers?

Scientists have figured out why some miniaturized frogs from Brazil are such clumsy jumpers. A 2022 study published in Science Advances reveals that among adult vertebrates, members of the genus Brachycephalus have the smallest known semicircular canals – the part of the inner ear necessary for maintaining balance and spatial orientation. The diminutive size of these canals results in low sensitivity to angular acceleration, preventing the frogs from controlling their posture as they prepare to land. VIDEO CREDIT: RICHARD L. ESSNER, JR. LINK:

Published: 3rd May 2024 03:00:44   By: Science Magazine

Science News Video: Is Pregnancy Carcinogenic?

Is Pregnancy Carcinogenic?
Play Video: Is Pregnancy Carcinogenic?

Visit to get started learning STEM for free. The first 200 people will get 20% off their annual premium subscription and a 30-day free trial. Does childbirth increase your chance of breast cancer? Yes. But it also decreases it in the longterm ...depending on how old you are your first time around. It has to do with your hormones like estrogen and the damaged DNA in your cells. Hosted by: Savannah Geary (they/them) ---------- Support us for $8/month on Patreon and keep SciShow going! Or support us directly: Join our SciShow email list to get the latest news and highlights: ---------- Huge thanks go to the following Patreon supporters for helping us keep SciShow free for everyone forever: Odditeas , Garrett Galloway, Friso, DrakoEsper , Kenny Wilson, Lyndsay Brown, Jeremy Mattern, Jaap Westera, Rizwan Kassim, Harrison Mills, Jeffrey Mckishen, Matt Curls, Eric Jensen, Chris Mackey, Adam Brainard, Ash, You too can be a nice person, Piya Shedden, charles george, Alex Hackman, Kevin Knupp, Chris Peters, Kevin Bealer, Jason A Saslow ---------- Looking for SciShow elsewhere on the internet? SciShow Tangents Podcast: TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: #SciShow #science #education #learning #complexly ---------- Sources:

Published: 14th Sep 2024 05:00:45   By: SciShow

Science News Video: A Fish In This Lake Evolved Into 850 Different Species

A Fish In This Lake Evolved Into 850 Different Species
Play Video: A Fish In This Lake Evolved Into 850 Different Species

Take your personal data back with Incogni! Use code SciShow at the link below and get 60% off an annual plan: When conditions are just right, one species can turn into hundreds in a short period of time. Welcome to the weird world of adaptive radiation. Hosted by: Jaida Elcock ---------- Support us for $8/month on Patreon and keep SciShow going! Or support us directly: Join our SciShow email list to get the latest news and highlights: ---------- Huge thanks go to the following Patreon supporters for helping us keep SciShow free for everyone forever: Odditeas , Garrett Galloway, Friso, DrakoEsper , Kenny Wilson, Lyndsay Brown, Jeremy Mattern, Jaap Westera, Rizwan Kassim, Harrison Mills, Jeffrey Mckishen, Matt Curls, Eric Jensen, Chris Mackey, Adam Brainard, Ash, You too can be a nice person, Piya Shedden, charles george, Alex Hackman, Kevin Knupp, Chris Peters, Kevin Bealer, Jason A Saslow ---------- Looking for SciShow elsewhere on the internet? SciShow Tangents Podcast: TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: #SciShow #science #education #learning #complexly ---------- Sources:

Published: 13th Sep 2024 05:00:37   By: SciShow

Science News Video: Why Can't Hand Sanitizer Kill The 0.01% of Germs?

Why Can
Play Video: Why Can't Hand Sanitizer Kill The 0.01% of Germs?

The first 500 people to use our link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare There's a scientific reason most hand sanitizers claim they can kill 99.99 percent of germs, and there's only one way to deal with the rest. Hosted by: Savannah Geary (they/them) ---------- Support us for $8/month on Patreon and keep SciShow going! Or support us directly: Join our SciShow email list to get the latest news and highlights: ---------- Huge thanks go to the following Patreon supporters for helping us keep SciShow free for everyone forever: Odditeas , Garrett Galloway, Friso, DrakoEsper , Kenny Wilson, Lyndsay Brown, Jeremy Mattern, Jaap Westera, Rizwan Kassim, Harrison Mills, Jeffrey Mckishen, Matt Curls, Eric Jensen, Chris Mackey, Adam Brainard, Ash, You too can be a nice person, Piya Shedden, charles george, Alex Hackman, Kevin Knupp, Chris Peters, Kevin Bealer, Jason A Saslow ---------- Looking for SciShow elsewhere on the internet? SciShow Tangents Podcast: TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: #SciShow #science #education #learning #complexly ---------- Sources:

Published: 12th Sep 2024 05:00:18   By: SciShow

Science News Video: We Solved The Mystery Of The Pyramids

We Solved The Mystery Of The Pyramids
Play Video: We Solved The Mystery Of The Pyramids

Explore the role of technology in advancing international development goals in the Master of Science in Global Technology and Development. Create solutions by focusing on history, social science concepts, government policies and development projects from around the world. The Pyramids of Giza have fascinated and confused us for hundreds of years, and while we know a lot about who built them and how they were made, one question that has remained is why they are where they are. And the answer to that question lies in an ancient, long-dried out riverbed buried in the desert. Hosted by: Niba @NotesbyNiba (she/her) ---------- Support us for $8/month on Patreon and keep SciShow going! Or support us directly: Join our SciShow email list to get the latest news and highlights: ---------- Huge thanks go to the following Patreon supporters for helping us keep SciShow free for everyone forever: Odditeas , Garrett Galloway, Friso, DrakoEsper , Kenny Wilson, Lyndsay Brown, Jeremy Mattern, Jaap Westera, Rizwan Kassim, Harrison Mills, Jeffrey Mckishen, Matt Curls, Eric Jensen, Chris Mackey, Adam Brainard, Ash, You too can be a nice person, Piya Shedden, charles george, Alex Hackman, Kevin Knupp, Chris Peters, Kevin Bealer, Jason A Saslow ---------- Looking for SciShow elsewhere on the internet? SciShow Tangents Podcast: TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: #SciShow #science #education #learning #complexly ---------- Sources:

Published: 11th Sep 2024 05:00:25   By: SciShow

Science News Video: That Time Scientists Tried Stopping Hailstorms With Rockets

That Time Scientists Tried Stopping Hailstorms With Rockets
Play Video: That Time Scientists Tried Stopping Hailstorms With Rockets

JMP offers a 30-day free trial for anyone, anywhere. Go to to see the benefits of visual statistics for yourself. If you ask your favorite search engine where Earth gets the most hail, it's likely to spit out Kericho. But can you use exploding rockets to suppress that hail? That's one question both companies and researchers tested out. Hosted by: Hank Green (he/him) ---------- Support us for $8/month on Patreon and keep SciShow going! Or support us directly: Join our SciShow email list to get the latest news and highlights: ---------- Huge thanks go to the following Patreon supporters for helping us keep SciShow free for everyone forever: Odditeas , Garrett Galloway, Friso, DrakoEsper , Kenny Wilson, Lyndsay Brown, Jeremy Mattern, Jaap Westera, Rizwan Kassim, Harrison Mills, Jeffrey Mckishen, Matt Curls, Eric Jensen, Chris Mackey, Adam Brainard, Ash, You too can be a nice person, Piya Shedden, charles george, Alex Hackman, Kevin Knupp, Chris Peters, Kevin Bealer, Jason A Saslow ---------- Looking for SciShow elsewhere on the internet? SciShow Tangents Podcast: TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: #SciShow #science #education #learning #complexly ---------- Sources:

Published: 10th Sep 2024 05:00:23   By: SciShow

Science News Video: Scientists find a long-sought electric field in Earth’s atmosphere | Science News

Scientists find a long-sought electric field in Earth’s atmosphere | Science News
Play Video: Scientists find a long-sought electric field in Earth’s atmosphere | Science News

This animation shows how the ambipolar electric field works. The most abundant gas in the lower atmosphere, the part we live in, is nitrogen (N2, shown around seven seconds). Pan up to the ionosphere (14 seconds), though, and you’ll find more atomic oxygen. Photons from the sun can collide with oxygen and knock one of their electrons loose, leaving a positively charged oxygen ion behind. The pull between those ions and their lost electrons is the ambipolar electric field, which ties them together. Read more: Video: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center

Published: 16th Sep 2024 04:11:43   By: Science News

Science News Video: What is agrivoltaics? | Science News

What is agrivoltaics? | Science News
Play Video: What is agrivoltaics? | Science News

With the recent boom in clean energy development, more and more farmers are interested in leasing their fields to solar power utilities, often forcing them to abandon traditional crop production or grazing in the process. Now researchers in the growing field of agrivoltaics hope to provide scientific insights and guidance to make it possible to produce food and power at the same time. While sheep grazing on solar farms has already demonstrated feasibility and ecological benefits, these researchers are discovering that co-locating crops and solar panels may prove to be a tough row to hoe. Credits: Production, Videography and Editing Luke Groskin Story Editing Ashley Yeager Additional Video and Stills Center for Energy Education (C.C. BY), Clean Energy Resource Teams (C.C. BY) Enel North America, Getty, Innover, Kaan Kutural/UC Davis, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, One Less Traveled By (C.C. BY), Pond 5, Sol Systems (C.C. BY), Sun’Agri Music Audio Network

Published: 16th Sep 2024 01:20:41   By: Science News

Science News Video: What is climate attribution? | Science News

What is climate attribution? | Science News
Play Video: What is climate attribution? | Science News

Scientists can estimate how much more likely or severe some past natural disasters were due to human-caused climate change. Here’s how. Credits: Scriptwriter - Maria Temming Story editor - Ashley Yeager Host - Maria Temming Producer - Luke Groskin Fact checker- Kyle Planz Reporter - Maria Temming Images & video - Luke Groskin Additional video and stills ESA, Getty Images, Nature Climate Change NASA, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA's Scientific Visualization Studio, NOAA, Pond5, Kevin Reed, Jason Smerdon, Michael Wehner and Park Williams. Music Audio Network

Published: 11th Sep 2024 03:55:21   By: Science News

Science News Video: When it comes to backflips, springtails are the GOAT | Science News

When it comes to backflips, springtails are the GOAT | Science News
Play Video: When it comes to backflips, springtails are the GOAT | Science News

Caption: To see exactly how globular springtails do backflips, researchers had to use a high-speed camera. What they found was astounding: When a springtail lifts off, it travels as fast as 1.5 meters per second and can spin up to 29 times in the blink of an eye. Read more: Video: Adrian Smith Thumbnail: Adrian Smith Music: Bensound License code: TYNYOZ3TL71NGUAU

Published: 29th Aug 2024 01:58:54   By: Science News

Science News Video: Depression & DBS doesn’t just impact patients | Science News

Depression & DBS doesn’t just impact patients | Science News
Play Video: Depression & DBS doesn’t just impact patients | Science News

Barbara Nelson’s partner is part of a clinical trial to treat severe depression with deep brain stimulation (DBS). In this video, Barbara talks about her experience as a partner to someone with depression, and how DBS changed her family. This video was made possible with support from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. CREDITS Video producer & editor Luke Groskin Reporter Laura Sanders Supervising producer Helen Thompson Special thanks The Nelsons, Elizabeth Quill, Ashley Yeager, Nancy Shute Additional surgery footage Mount Sinai Health System Music Epidemic Sound

Published: 19th Aug 2024 03:17:11   By: Science News

Science Channel Video: A Non-Stop Chain Reaction | How It's Made | Science Channel

A Non-Stop Chain Reaction | How It
Play Video: A Non-Stop Chain Reaction | How It's Made | Science Channel

Published: 15th Sep 2024 03:00:09   By: Science Channel

Science Channel Video: Forging an Axe | How It's Made | Science Channel

Forging an Axe | How It
Play Video: Forging an Axe | How It's Made | Science Channel

Published: 14th Sep 2024 03:00:26   By: Science Channel

Science Channel Video: Essential Building Blocks & Tools | How It's Made | Science Channel

Essential Building Blocks & Tools | How It
Play Video: Essential Building Blocks & Tools | How It's Made | Science Channel

Building ⛓️ items 🪓 used 🧱 to 🪟 build 🏢 buildings, etc 😎 Chapters 00:00 Axes - Originally aired 2009 04:59 Granite - Originally aired 2005 09:44 Bricks - Originally aired 2005 14:30 Construction Wood - Originally aired 2005 19:15 Windows - Originally aired 2006 24:15 Chains - Originally aired 2006 29:14 Steel - Originally aired 2005 34:04 Garden Tools - Originally aired 2005 #ScienceChannel #HowItsMade About How It's Made: Explore the fascinating world of how everyday items are manufactured and produced. Subscribe to Science Channel: About Science Channel: Learn about outer space, leading scientific exploration, new technology, earth science basics, & more with science videos & news from Science Channel. Find us on social: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: TikTok:

Published: 13th Sep 2024 07:00:11   By: Science Channel

Science Channel Video: How Ice Water Survives on Mercury | How the Universe Works | Science Channel

How Ice Water Survives on Mercury | How the Universe Works | Science Channel
Play Video: How Ice Water Survives on Mercury | How the Universe Works | Science Channel

Despite what one might assume about the planet closest to our sun, Mercury is home to many deposits of icy water. How did this water get here, and how does it remain amongst sweltering temperature and radiation? About How the Universe Works: With a cast of experts and eye-popping CGI, we're looking under the celestial hood to tell the greatest story of all -- the story of where we and everything else came from. Subscribe to Science Channel: About Science Channel: Learn about outer space, leading scientific exploration, new technology, earth science basics, & more with science videos & news from Science Channel. Find us on social: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: TikTok:

Published: 12th Sep 2024 10:00:00   By: Science Channel

Science Channel Video: The Buried Town of Gibellina | What on Earth? | Science Channel

The Buried Town of Gibellina | What on Earth? | Science Channel
Play Video: The Buried Town of Gibellina | What on Earth? | Science Channel

Published: 11th Sep 2024 10:00:26   By: Science Channel

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