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Geneva, Switzerland and Westport, CT, Nov. 18, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Launched today, the Alliance for Advancing Bioelectronic Medicine (AABM) is an independent network of professionals united to advance bioelectronic medicine – one of the most innovative and exciting fields in healthcare. The alliance aims to align bioelectronic medicine leaders on shared goals, facilitate cross-sector collaboration, mobilize key external audiences, and build awareness of the field overall.

“Bioelectronic medicine represents a tremendous opportunity to improve patients’ lives and change our world. However, achieving this will require much greater collaboration and awareness from a much larger and more diverse group of stakeholders,” said Kenneth L. Londoner, Founder, CEO, and Chairman of BioSig Technologies, a medical technology company that has supported creation of AABM. “We believe that the Alliance for Advancing Bioelectronic Medicine will play a much-needed role by aligning and amplifying voices in the field, winning over new allies, and driving progress that, ultimately, benefits everyone.”

The alliance brings together leaders in bioelectronic medicine: a rapidly growing field of healthcare that explores how targeted electrical signals can harness the body’s natural mechanisms to diagnose and treat a range of diseases. Its members are committed to realizing the potential of bioelectronic medicine to transform diagnosis and care for millions of people, particularly in areas of unmet need such as Parkinson’s disease, major depressive disorder, treatment-resistant epilepsy, heart arrhythmia, and chronic pain.

“The Alliance for Advancing Bioelectronic Medicine will support greater collaboration among experts across different sectors, disease areas, disciplines, and specialties,” said Samuel Asirvatham, M.D. a founding member of AABM and Vice Chair, Innovation and Medical Director, Electrophysiology Laboratory, Cardiovascular Diseases at the Mayo Clinic. “The collaboration hopes to pave the way to novel diagnostics and treatment options for patients.”

 The alliance grew out of an invitation-only roundtable in the spring of 2019, at which a distinguished group of researchers, entrepreneurs, and healthcare experts agreed on the need for an ongoing dialogue to advance a shared vision for bioelectronic medicine and a catalyst to unite the field. Since that gathering, members have developed a consensus on a shared definition, a unified narrative, and a set of tailored messages for the many groups that stand to benefit from bioelectronic medicine.

“We’ve seen impressive scientific and medical progress in bioelectronic medicine in recent years,” said Dr. Hein Heidbuchel, Professor and Chair of Cardiology, Antwerp University and President of the European Heart Rhythm Association. “But what has been missing is a compelling story that builds understanding and support for this field across a wide range of relevant audiences.”

The Alliance for Advancing Bioelectronic Medicine aims to play a unique convening role, mobilizing patients, physicians, and other stakeholders to advocate for the field, and increasing awareness among audiences that are important for the field’s growth, including policymakers, investors, media, and the general public. Its steering committee includes experts with experience at Battelle, European Heart Rhythm Association, The Feinstein Institute, Heart Rhythm Society, Imperial College London, Mayo Clinic, RAND Corporation and Sheba Medical Center. 

The alliance will be coordinated by High Lantern Group, a strategic positioning firm active in global health policy. “We see great potential for bioelectronic medicine to help serve unmet medical needs and achieve healthier societies,” said Mario Ottiglio, Managing Director at High Lantern Group. “We look forward to collaborating with this community to shape a compelling policy agenda that attracts broad support and helps accelerate the growth of this nascent industry.”

For more information, please contact:

Ms. Julie Pierce

Managing Director

High Lantern Group 

Ms. Natasha Drapeau

Executive Vice President

BioSig Technologies, Inc.

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+1 203-409-5444, x119  

Meryl Ellingson
High Lantern Group
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Posted: 2019-11-18 23:41:00

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