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Why do gas prices drop around presidential elections?
(WTAJ) – As the United States gears up to participate in another presidential ... drop. According to an S&P Global forecast, retail gas prices aren’t expected to rise during the upcoming ... Read More
GasBuddy: the average price of gas in Peoria dropped ever so slightly last week
Why do gas prices drop around presidential elections? That’s about 13.5 cents lower than a month ago and 16.7 cents a gallon less than a year ago. The national average price of diesel dropped 1.3 ... Read More
Impact of Elections on the Oil and Gas Industry
Our latest report examines the impact of US presidential elections on the oil and gas industry, including historical analysis of presidential terms and energy returns, industry forecasts ... Read More
Gas prices: Another decrease at the pumps for the first weekend in December
However, even with the substantial decrease in gas prices over the last half of the year, prices remain higher now than when President-elect ... a fairly significant drop from a week ago, when ... Read More
Oil Prices Drop. It’s About the Dollar, Not Trump’s ‘Drill, Baby, Drill’ Policies.
Oil prices are falling sharply. It likely has more to do with dollar ... prices were down around 1.7% early on Wednesday after Trump declared victory in the U.S. presidential election. Read More
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