Celebrities With Addictions: From Alcohol, Drugs, Food, Online Gambling And Sex
Celebrities’ lives are full of stress and temptation that very often lead famous people to rehabilitation hospitals, where they are trying to fight with their "demons" or the so-called addictions. These same addictions vary from problems with alcohol, drugs, online gambling, etc.
A well-known professional football player has an addiction to gambling and not only in traditional gambling houses but also in online casinos. In accordance with the journalists, Rooney spends a lot of time playing blackjack and roulette, making maximum bets from the very beginning. In most cases, the footballer loses more than wins. His max loss was around 700.000 pounds. It should also be added that many times, Wayne Rooney played being in a completely drunk state.He is a little bit luckier when playing games in online casinos and has already earned about 60.000 pounds.
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The most highly paid celebrity of a TV series "Two and a half man", actor Charlie Sheen got into a rehabilitation clinic because of issues with alcohol. This bad addiction had a negative effect on his next two marriages and after almost 20 years he is still fighting with this "demon". According to the journalist, the actor has problems not only with alcohol but drugs too.

Steven Tyler from the group "Aerosmith" is known as a singer with an addiction to pain-killers. He confessed that he wasn’t drinking alcohol for the last 12 years but then gave up and started again. But this time he is mixing alcohol with painkillers.

Professional golf player Tiger Woods took a break from the game in December 2009, right after his wife had found out about his cheating. Because of this, Woods has decided to have a treatment from sexual addiction and in a year of successful curing, he left the clinic. Nevertheless, they say that the presence of the addiction is still felt and might happen anytime.

Ex -participant of a country duet "The Judds", Wynonna Judd became a worldwide popular singer when she sang a song with her mother. A few years ago, Judd was discussing her addiction to food at Oprah’s TV show. She even had a rehabilitation program from this addiction in one of the Texas clinics. But despite this, the singer is still suffering from it.

Robert Downey Jr. has always had some difficulties with drugs. He couldn’t fight this addiction even when he received a nomination for Oscar for the role in "Chaplin". He was trying to get rid of this bad addiction for many years alone as well as in specialised hospitals. And just a few years ago he finally managed to fight the problem and even was shot in such blockbusters as "Iron Man", "Sherlock Holmes" and many others.

Eminem has been suffering from sleeping pills addiction for many years already. And even despite the fact that he claims he is not taking those pills anymore and even released an album "Recovery", rumours claim totally opposite idea.