Smaller cars, pedestrians and cyclists at risk

Big cars and trucks are making roads more dangerous. That's the gist of a new report from the National Safety Council that looked at why traffic deaths have been rising lately.
Here's the simplified version:
Lots of deaths: In 2023, over 40,000 people died on US roads.
Big cars are a problem: SUVs and trucks are more popular than ever, and they're more dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists.
Why are they dangerous?
They're bigger and heavier, so they cause more damage in accidents.
It's harder to see people walking and biking because of their design.
They encourage drivers to go faster.
What can we do?
Make safer cars.
Improve roads for walkers and bikers.
Encourage safer driving.
Basically, the report says, we need to rethink how we design cars and roads to keep everyone safe.
40,000 traffic deaths
In 2023, over 40,000 people lost their lives on U.S. roadways, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. With SUVs, vans and pickups accounting for nearly 75% of vehicles produced today, their sheer weight and size are major contributors to the problem, a new NSC repport says.
This comprehensive report sheds light on important factors contributing to roadway safety the impact of vehicle size, weight, and direct vision, said Lorraine Martin, NSC president and CEO.
Their height and weight relative to pedestrians:These two factors, long recognized as major determinants of crash severity, make it more likely a pedestrian hit by a light truck rather than a sedan will die or suffer critical injuries.
Unique front-end geometry and stiffness:High, flat front ends increase both the frequency and severity of major injuries to vulnerable road users. This is particularly dangerous for child pedestrians, whose heads are more likely to be struck by higher hoods in a crash.
Large blind zones: High hoods and wide A-pillars reduce direct vision from the drivers seat, limiting drivers from adequately seeing and reacting to pedestrians,cyclistsand smaller vehicles.
Crash incompatibility with smaller cars: Weight and size differentials between pickup trucks and sedans leave drivers of smaller cars at a distinct disadvantage in crashes, as higher bumpers can intrude into smaller vehicles to cause major injuries.
The compounding impacts of speed and acceleration: Smallchangesin speed can mean the difference between life and death in a crash with a pedestrian or cyclist, and design features like higher seating position inadvertentlyleaddrivers to go faster than they would in a smaller car.
Arms race
Consumers often buy light truckswith their own safety in mind. However, thesechoices may pose an unintended safety risktoother road users an arms race that stands in the way of meaningfully reducing the number of Americans who die onroadways every year.
In addition, the move towards electrification of vehicles presents a new challenge as long-range batteries can contribute hundreds or even thousands of pounds of additional weight, and vehicle frames must be rigid to protect these batteries from dangerous damage in the event of a crash.
More research into crash outcomes is neededin order toreconcile EV adoption goals with reducing traffic deaths.
To learn more about the Road to Zero Coalition and its goal of achieving zero roadway deaths by 2050 or to become a member,
Photo Credit: Consumer Affairs News Department Images
Posted: 2024-10-30 20:10:56